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Mixers Component

Mixers are used on a signal in frequency-changing receivers, as well as in the generator circuits of the connected oscillators. Mixers are like two-input circuits, they output a sum frequency or a difference of the two connected frequencies. Well-used mixers are multipliers. The modulator must be linear for the main input and create intermodulation products.






We can supply a full range of SuperApex AsGa MMIC mixers for your RF & HF projects, covering frequencies up to 40 GHz.

You can visit the supplier site for more details on the mixers, or contact us if you would like to supply your RF and HF projects with SuperApex products.






Synergy, specialists in RF & HF products, presents its new wide range of mixers; Dual and triple scales, Fort IP3, image rejection, Sub harmonic which features high isolation, wide band IF, good IF matching and flat response to conversion losses.

The mixers are perfect for broadband and narrowband up & down conversion for commercial, military and industrial cellular system applications.

STOCK - 2 weeks ARC. All models are weatherproof (IP65). Made in the USA

We can supply mixers for your RF & HF projects by contacting us via our website.


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01 34 94 20 40 - sales@tech-inter.eu

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